Option Agreement – your new option

Fulfill your dream of the latest iPhone! By signing an agreement for 3 years, return it after two, if you want.

Your benefits

Lower monthly fee

When entering into an agreement for a longer period, the monthly fee is lower. In addition, when you return your iPhone, you will only pay for two years, not three.

Available to everyone in Latvia

iPhone with the Option Agreement is available to everyone – also to customers of other operators at any Customer Centre.

Latest models & better prices

The best way to get your long-desired latest iPhone model without overpaying.

Check it out!

When you want to buy a new phone and terminate your existing Option Agreement, bring your iPhone to a LMT Customer Centre. Natural wear and tear of the device is permissible, but significant damages can be eliminated in accordance with the LMT Option Agreement Device Repair Price List.

Devices of the Option Agreement

Questions and answers

* We are interested in successful long-term cooperation, so the provision of the service may be refused if there is insufficient information about the customer`s ability to fulfil obligations.