Smart Solutions
Before buying a new one, try to fix

Our repair specialists will understand what is wrong with the device and will recommend a solution.

How to buy a device more profitable
Option Agreement
Sign a three-year contract and only pay for two
Open Agreement
Replace your device with a new one even after 9 months
Slightly used devices
Used devices in full operating order, only a much more profitable price

Option Agreement
Fulfill your dream of the latest iPhone! Sign a three-year contract and only pay for two if you agree to change your existing iPhone for a new one.
1. Lower monthly fee
When entering into an agreement for a longer period, the monthly fee is lower. In addition, when you return your iPhone, you will only pay for two years, not three.2. Available to everyone in Latvia
iPhone with the Option Agreement is available to everyone – also to customers of other operators at any Customer Centre.
3. Latest models & better prices
The best way to get your long-desired latest iPhone model without overpaying.
When you want to buy a new phone and terminate your existing Option Agreement, bring your iPhone to a LMT Customer Centre. Natural wear and tear of the device is permissible, but significant damages can be eliminated in accordance with the LMT Option Agreement Device Repair Price List.
Beneficial iPhone offers

Open Agreement
You will be able to change the device to another after 9 months. We will find a new owner for your old device.
1. Change when you want
You may change the device to another more freely and quicker. And to give the opportunity to other person to buy your previous device more profitable.2. Available to everyone in Latvia
The device with Open Agreement is available for everone – also for the customers of other operators.3. Choose how long to pay
After 9 months, you can return us the device and terminate the agreement. Or continue to use how long you want – after 24 months you do not have to pay monthly fee.
When you want to take a new device and terminate the existing Open Agreement, carry the device to the LMT Customer Centre. Natural wear and tear of the device is permissible, but significant damages can be eliminated in accordance with the LMT Open Agreement Device Repair Price List.
Beneficial offers

Slightly used devices
You have an opportunity to get excellent devices for a lower price – get to know more about the Classes of slightly used devices.
1. Verified
We carefully verify slightly used devices and transfer to new owner in full operating order.2. Guarantee
We give two-years guarantee for slightly used devices – like for new ones.3. More profitable
A slightly used device has up to 30% lower price than a new one at the LMT.