SMS about the call

SMS about the call


Every call will be noticed!

The text message about a missed call – a useful service for both the caller and the call recipient!

If you are the caller, you can be sure that the recipient of the call will always know about your call – even if the phone is switched off or out of coverage!

If you are the recipient of the call, this is your chance not to miss a single call – you will receive a text message about calls when you are unavailable.

  • Use this option whenever necessary!
  • The recipient of the call will receive a text message with the number and time of the call
  • Extremely low cost of sending a text message


The option to send a text message about a missed call is available to every LMT customer – you don`t have to sign up or pay a connection or subscription fee.

Whereas, if you want to refuse the possibility of receiving text messages about calls that have not reached you, send the letter N to the number 1688. If you want to connect the service again, send the text message LJ (if you want to play the notification in Latvian) or KJ (if you want to set the notification in Russian).


What should you know if you are a caller?

  • If you call when the recipient`s phone is switched off or out of coverage, you will hear a voice announcement asking you to wait for a signal to send a text message about your call.
  • If you don`t wait for the signal and end the connection, the recipient of the call will not receive a text message about your call and you will not be charged for the call.

What should you know if you are the recipient of the call?

When your phone is switched off or out of coverage, the caller will hear a voice announcement asking to wait for a signal. If the caller waits for this signal, you will receive a text message about the missed call.

What will appear in the text message?

Depending on how many callers have waited for the signal, the recipient of the call will receive one or more text messages. Each call will have the following information: date, caller number and time of the call.

If you have called and allowed to send a text message about the call several times, the recipient of the call will see one entry in the text message with an indication of your number, the number of calls and the time of the last call.

Please note!

New information about missed calls is included in the text message every 15 minutes.


  • If you use the Calling Line Identification Restriction, please remember that the recipient of the call will only see the date and time of the call, as well as the indication that the number was not sent, in the text message about your call.

  • • The recipient of the call will not receive a text message about the missed call if the connection is temporarily closed or the phone is out of coverage for more than 21 days.
  • If you call a person who has included your number in the Blacklist of Call filter, it will not be possible to send a text message about the missed call.

  • • Before using LMT services, please read the data processing information provided by LMT. As a data controller, LMT pays the greatest attention to these issues. As part of the services provided by LMT, we process data only to the necessary extent and time period, which results from the nature of the service and the requirements of binding laws and regulations. As part of the SMS ABOUT THE CALL service, basic data can be processed, such as connection number, etc., as well as electronic communications metadata, including load data – information related to the provision of electronic communications services. The purpose of the data to be processed is to implement the performance of the selected service, including ensuring the related quality, payments and resolution of the reported issues, if they arise, as well as the execution of the binding laws and regulations. The basis of data processing is the requested LMT service and the implementation of related laws and regulations. Such processing is a prerequisite for the execution of the transaction, and failure to provide data may partially or completely delay or terminate the provision of the transaction. With regard to his/her data, the LMT customer has the right to exercise the rights set forth in the laws and regulations. More information about LMT data protection and rights in the field of data processing is available in LMT Privacy Policy.


  • No service connection and subscription fees!
  • No charge for receiving text messages!
  • Fee for sending a text message in Latvia:

    - for users of the tariff plan FREEDOM lietotājiem – FREE OF CHARGE!

    - for users of other LMT tariff plans – 0.0427 €.

  • While abroad, you will not incur additional costs for receiving text messages, while if you are a caller and want to send a text message about a call, the fee for listening to a voice message is calculated as for a call from the network of the specific country to Latvia.

All fees are specified in €, VAT exclusive.