LMT electronic working time tracking – EDLUS
Convenient and modern company digitalization tool for employee registration and working time tracking.
More than the law requires
EDLUS is an electronic working time tracking system providing working time registration of the persons employed on a construction site, tracking, data storage and transfer to a single database. The solution is suitable for both closed and open facilities.
LMT EDLUS not only serves to comply with the law, but also helps to optimise, control the company’s processes, improve work safety, culture and discipline.
LMT EDLUS is regularly checked for external security and incorporates all the latest requirements, including registration and transfer of payments to VEDLUDB
Always a reliable and law compliant solution
Quick installation, implementation and training free of charge
Individual approach and long-term partnership

Customised registration options
Easy and customer-friendly use and employee registration via a smartphone, NFC card or fingerprint.

Smartphone with EDLUS app

Fingerprint, NFC card or sticker

Possibility to set access control tools (turnstiles, magnetic door switches etc.)

Possibility to install a temperature sensor and breathanalyser
Keep your finger on the pulse
Notices of discrepancies and reminders
Employee GPS location validation
Easy to use in web browser and smartphone
Regular system updates with additional functionality
Professional support also on weekends
Real-time data of the employees and visitors on the site
Ability to synchronise databases with controlling authorities
Management of access rights and roles for users
When EDLUS is needed
The law stipulates that EDLUS is required in the territory of a demarcated and open type construction object from the actual date of commencement of construction works until the entry is made in the construction works journal regarding the completion of the construction works.
- If the costs of construction works exceed 170 000 € (from 01.01.2025)
- When constructing new buildings of 3rd group
Detailed information on EDLUS requirements is available inthe Law on Taxes and Duties (lv)

- Free implementation
- Free training
- Open-ended contract
* All charges in €, excl. VAT
Apply for a consultation – we will contact you!
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