M2M – automated communication between devices
Real-time data exchange between devices on-line. M2M is used to read meters, locate consignments, automate stock records, operate security systems, etc.

Improved productivity
The device monitors and alerts about low battery power or scheduled maintenance. For example, a vending machine equipped with a telemetry device informs about stock and cash balance.
Short turnaround time
Improve your customer experience! If the device alerts that it is damaged or requires maintenance, you can react and prevent your customers from complaining.
New business opportunities
Devices that transfer data without any human involvement provide novel data collection, analysis and process automation opportunities.
Easy-to-understand tariff plans
For machinery and devices that consume little data.
Data transfer – data packets and dial-up
SMS and MMS transfer
1 MB included in Latvia and in the EEA countries
M2M 2
For vehicles and equipment located in Latvia.
Data transfer – data packets and dial-up
100 SMS included in Latvia
100 MMS included in Latvia
100 MB included in Latvia
M2M 2+
For card terminals, meters and other M2M solutions that require a router.
Data transfer – data packets and dial-up
100 SMS included in Latvia
100 MMS included in Latvia
100 MB included in Latvia
Free 4G router
M2M 4
For vehicles and devices on the move in any country of the world.
200 MB included in Latvia and in the EEA countries
5 MB included in other countries
Receiving voice calls
200 SMS and 200 MMS included in Latvia and in the EEA countries
All charges in €, excl. VAT.