Secure internet connection
All regular and mobile devices are connected in the Intranet ensuring a secure flow of information. Private access point (APN) is used to prevent access to business data from public networks to protect personal data of customers while transmitting meter readings, etc.

Remote access to databases
You can safely work from home or during business trips with secure access to company databases and documents.
Monitor how and to what extent company intranet is used, impose access rights to specific internet sites. All transmitted data are encrypted in the intranet.
Secure transmission of telemetry data
Protect your business from data leaks, ensuring that meters, video cameras and other devices can be accessed only from the intranet.
Easy-to-understand tariff plans
Private Access Point (APN)
Useful, if your company uses telemetry and other M2M solutions and cannot take any risks with public internet.
Unlimited number of users
Data encryption
Dynamic or static IP address (depending on your preferences)
Activation fee 213.43 ā¬
All charges in ā¬, excl. VAT.