Internet on Phone

Connect INTERNET ON PHONE and read news, spend time in social networks, use apps and enjoy other options provided by Internet across Europe!

  • A simplified choice – 5 GB or Independence
  • A convenient monthly fee for broader options of Internet than before
  • A certain volume of internet in other EEA countries included
  • Warning functionality of potentially unsafe websites included

Options and costs

A unified Internet volume in EEA countries

*When you use up the included Internet volume in EEA countries outside Latvia, we offer an option of a larger volume of Internet or use the option INTERNET WHILE TRAVELLING.

Internet outside EEA countries

You can use Internet wherever you wish, also outside EEA countries. Find out conditions for the use of Internet and costs across the whole world.

How to connect

  • To connect a larger volume of Internet: send an SMS with the selected volume – 5 GB or IT (if you wish to connect Independence) – call 1688. The same could be done also with My LMT, as well as at any LMT customer service centre across the whole Latvia.
  • You can connect a smaller volume of Internet at My LMT or at any LMT customer service centre across Latvia.

If you reconsider and wish to disconnect or change the Internet volume to a smaller one, you can do so once per calendar month.

Important! When you go from a larger Internet step to a smaller, the volume used up in this month will be deducted from the volume of the new service (smaller step). The subscription fee will be calculated in proportion to the number of days per month when the relevant service was connected.

Important to know

  • The service lets you enjoy the Internet options in accordance with the selected technology and location. Here you will find various questions and comprehensive answers on data transfer technologies and peculiarities, as well as quality of the electronic communication services (lv), incl. download and upload speeds.
  • If you are using an older phone model and it is not configured for Internet use, send a request SMS PG to number 1688. In a reply SMS you will receive configuration parameters to be saved in the phone memory. If your phone does not ensure receipt of parameters by SMS, you must configure the parameters yourself.
  • LMT Internet services offer many options of use; however, to make sure that all customers have a possibility to use high-quality services, they are not intended for further provision of services to third parties. If LMT services are used in an unintended way, systems may automatically restrict or even terminate provision of services. Please read Fair Use Policy of LMT Services.
  • The scope of fair use in other EEA countries outside Latvia is determined by the EU Fair Usage Policy of the European Union Roaming Regulation. The volume changes periodically. Please follow information on LMT website.
  • LMT Internet accounting system is based on 1024 MB accounting model.
  • You can also choose Internet with tariff per unit (fee per MB – €0.0605) in any EEA country.
  • Before using LMT services, please familiarise yourself with personal data processing information provided by LMT. LMT as a data controller addresses these matters with utmost care. We process personal data within the framework of services provided by LMT only to the scope and time period necessary arising from the nature of service and requirements of the binding laws and regulations. Within the framework of the service INTERNET ON PHONE such primary data as your name, surname, connection number, etc., may be processed, as well as meta data of electronic communication, including the load data – information related to provision of electronic communication services. The purpose of data to be processed is to perform the selected service, including provision of the related quality, settlements and solution of reported issues, if any, as well as compliance with the binding laws and regulations. Grounds for data processing is the requested LMT service and compliance with the related laws and regulations. Such processing is the precondition for performance of the transaction, and failure to provide data may hinder provision of the transaction in part or in full or suspend it. In relation to his or her data, LMT customer is entitled to exercise the rights under laws and regulations. More information on personal data protection implemented by LMT and rights of persons in the data processing area is available in LMT Privacy Policy.
  • To insure the customer experience as best as possible and more complete options for the use of LMT services, LMT may contact you during the use of services (by phone; by sending an SMS, by e-mail, or by a message in the Internet browser) regarding matters of the service administration and use.

All charges in €, incl. VAT.